BLOG#5: Decomposition Reaction

Decomposition Reaction Defined

A chemical reaction is a process by which the atoms of one or more substances are rearranged to form different substances. There are many types of chemical reactions. These reactions are often classified by what they form or what happens during the course of the reaction.

A decomposition reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a single compound breaks down into two or more elements or new compounds. These reactions often involve an energy source such as heat, light, or electricity that breaks apart the bonds of compounds.

For example:  The digestion of food in our body is accompanied by a number of decomposition reactions. The major constituents of our food such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc.,decompose to form a number of simpler substances.  These substances further react, releasing large amounts of energy, which keeps our body working.

The general equation that describes a decomposition reaction is:

Types of Decomposition Reactions

Decomposition reactions can be classified into three types:

  • Thermal decomposition reaction
  • Electrolytic decomposition reaction
  • Photo decomposition reaction

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